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Make your commitment. Order your supply of nutrition supplements every month and include 4Life transfer factor to improve your health. Better health is an essential part of an optimal lifestyle. Persistance is one of the keys for successful results.
Become a Preferred CustomerAll you do is place your order for your nutrition supplements. You automatically get the wholesale customer discount price. There is a list of product links at the bottom part of this page. Start with the weight loss health pills then move on to the antioxidants, detox pills, transfer factor, vitamins, heart pills, acai juice and the many other health pills as you see fit to improve your health.
Become a 4Life Distributor
Imagine how many health problems you can avoid by supporting healthy structures and functions of your body as a regular part of your lifestyle and help others do it too. While your peers are moaning and groaning and wallowing in their aches and pains, and say I guess I will have to live with it or this is typical for a person my age, you are full of vitality and a zest for living because you are using the right health pills and living a healthy lifestyle. Of course, you would not let your friends suffer so you share what you have discovered about health pills. They probably will not listen to you but you keep after them because you know you found something special that makes the difference in your health. Finally, they start to see the light and their future changes for the better.
Now you know something about health pills, Transfer Factor, and the 4Life Research family of supplements from experience. Weight loss health pills, antioxidants, vitamins, detox pills, digestive cleansers are just the beginning of a long list of highly effective products that have been developed by years of research and testing. They are very effective at helping us overcome the challenges of daily living. We have filled our lives with toxic pollution, junk food, stress, sleepless nights, financial limitations, and bad relationships that cause multitudes of challenges to overcome. These things compromise our quality of living by more than we can stand to face. We have no choice but to learn how to participate in a proactive approach to health. We must successfully define and create the beautiful loving destiny that we desire and deserve for the common good of all or we suffer the consequences of our failures.
These may be great words, but they mean nothing unless we strive to live up to them. Heaven and Earth are responding to your love, or lack of it, right now. It is time to learn how to use health pills to bring about the best in your future and help others to lead others to a healthier and wealthier future. Join the 4Life Research distributor compensation plan.
24 Hour Messages
4Life Transfer Factor Hotline, Dr. Robertson (2 min) (866) 315-4001
4Life Transfer Factor, Dr. Robertson (30 min) (866) 315-4002
4Life Transfer Factor (Spanish) (866) 315-4003
4Life Transfer Factor Veterinary Hotline (866) 315-4004
Business Opportunity, Ray Meurer, Platinum International Diamond
(866) 315-4006
Great Escape Winners Hotline, Updated 2nd Wed of every week (866) 315-4007
Nutrition Supplements Rejuvenate
Many people are thankful because they took health pills and cured their disease. This is not really what happened. Health pills do not treat or cure disease. What Health pills do is support structures and functions of health. If a so called disease "goes away" when you take nutrition supplements it is not because you cured, treated, or mitigated a disease with the health pills. What you did was support structures and functions of health. This approach to aging is frequently superior to the disease approach to health and wellness.
At 4Life Research nutrition supplements are designed to target weak points that if left alone would leave you vulnerable to distructive forces. For example, transfer factor pills promote immune system health. When you take transfer factor the immune system is then better able to recognize and fight off foreign invaders.
Health is an issue of overcoming
neglect not a treatment of disease. Just as personal hygiene, lack of exercise,
or failing to eat high quality food is an issue of neglect so the same is true
of the use of health pills. Supporting health with health pills is simply a daily responsibility that
promotes optimal health and your zest for living.
Most of us are genetically able to be healthy from the beginning of our lives
to very late in life. That is the truth. Aging is not a disease. Disease is not a
normal part of aging. Aging is fermentation, refinement, growth, development of
maturity, and skill at optimal living. Our body naturally repairs and maintains
itself in excellent condition if it has all its supplies. Skin cells replace themselves every few weeks. Our bones have little molecules that
ratchet down bone to replace and repair bone tissue every several months. Bone
marrow produces stem cells that travel to various organs of the body, which
require them such as the brain and heart to replace brain and heart cells. Our
bodies are amazing and self-perpetuating places.
Degeneration only occurs because daily challenges exceed our resources for
rejuvenation. This may occur because of toxic substances, stress, bacteria, virus, parasites, fungus, or injury. If you are showing signs of degeneration, work on
rejuvenation from the inside out. One of the Keys to optimal living is to
help your body's natural ability to rejuvenate. This means that we have a responsibility to put ourselves first and fully assert our natural ability to prepare for these challenges. Now that we have developed health pills that target these
specific challenges, there is no reason to put our health, strength, and
vitality at risk. You can live a healthy optimal life. You can feel better. You do not have to have pain, be irritable, angry,
tired, or depressed. When you give yourself enough support to easily handle your daily challenges, you are giving yourself the optimal health that you deserve.
Factor is a Modifier of Biological Age
A.G. Chizhov, V.A. Santalova
People’s Friendship University, Moscow
is a close link between the decrease in activity of the immune system
and aging. Thus, we decided to study immunomodulators to determine to what
extent they may affect biological age indices.
A new immune theory of aging (V.I.Dontsov, V.N. Krut’ko, 2002) points to the role of specific T-lymphocytes subpopulations in sustaining a certain level of normal cellular growth in the body and dwells on the importance of their decrease having a strong impact on aging. Stimulation of these cells by 4Life Transfer Factor Pills, an immunomodulator produced by 4Life, USA, seemed a plausible method of “treating aging”. The evaluation of
the role TF in the process of aging is at the basis of this study.
(12) men aged 55-73 were included in the study. A dose of 300 mg. pills of the TF
product was given daily with meals 5 times a week for 6 weeks. Biological age
was determined using the “АPK”
method (“Diagnostics of aging: biological age” (National gerontology center,
Moscow)). The following biomarkers were used for making the determinations: AP
(arterial pressure), pulse wave velocity, VC (vital pulmonary capacity), static
balance, Shtange’s test, adaptation testing, body mass, left hand strength,
Shulte’s test, Veksler’s test, neuromuscular test, hearing frequency
threshold and the SAN’s questionnaire. The activities of body
systems were evaluated by means of Nakatani’s electropuncture diagnostics.
Chronological age of the group was 63.5±0.7.
Before the use of TF the biological age of the group differed from
chronological by -4.2 ±0.6 years. The
majority of men demonstrated a decrease in the activity of endocrine
and of immune systems’ as well as hyperfunction of the liver and of urinary
bladder, and hypofunction pancreatic.
Results: The study showed that initially disturbed body systems were significantly normalized. After the course of TF treatment the difference between biological and chronological age was (-8.2) ±0.5 years (p<0.05), which is a rejuvenation effect of 4 years.
New Tri-Factor
Promoting health, strength, and vitality is key to reaching your dreams. We know a rapid-fire healthy immune system keeps energy reserves fired up and makes every activity possible.
4Life transfer factor pills can boost immune system performance according to your needs up to 437 percent, which is unprecedented in immune system research. TriFactor combines transfer factor with nano-factors and is a transferceutical derived from natural bovine colostrum and chicken egg yolks. This synthesis of the intelligence of transfer factor with the intuition, and wisdom of nano-factors modulates your immune system according to need. Proprietary juices, mushrooms, echinacea, or even vitamin c only give a little boost to immune system activity but they do not balance the immune system response. Truly, this makes 4Life transfer factor tri-factors THE superior immune system pills and the only one available in Juice. More information about tri-factors.