Stem Cells constitute a major part of our natural cell renewal system. StemEnhance™ by StemTech™ uses an extract from Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (fresh water botanical) to support the natural release of stem cells from our bone-marrow thus increasing the number of stem cells circulating in our bodies. It does not use embryonic stem cells. Our natural cell renewal system intelligently knows how, where, and when to use these adult stem cells to replace cells anywhere they are needed including the heart and brain. This stem cell technology is now available to achieve the incredible benefits of improved cell replacement.
National Library of Medicine’s PubMed database: Mobilization of human CD34+ CD133+ and CD34+ CD133(-) stem cells in vivo by consumption of an extract from Aphanizomenon flos-aquae--related to modulation of CXCR4 expression by an L-selectin ligand?
Study summary: “A novel cyanobacterial ligand for human L-selectin extracted from Aphanizomenon flos aquae – potential role for stem cell biology in vitro and in vivo?”
CHRISTIAN DRAPEAU, HUAIYU MA, ZHIJIAN YANG, LI TANG, ROBERT M. HOFFMAN and DAVID J. SCHAEFFER (2009) The Stem Cell Mobilizer StemEnhance® Does Not Promote Tumor Growth in an Orthotopic Model of Human Breast Cancer. ANTICANCER RESEARCH 29: 443-448.
Sabelli HC and Javaid JI (1995) Phenylethylamine modulation of affect: therapeutic and diagnostic implications. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 7(1): 6-14.
Drapeau, C., Antarr, D., Ma, H., Yang, Z., Tang, L., Hoffman, R., & Schaeffer, D. (2010).
Mobilization of bone marrow stem cells with StemEnhance® improves muscle regeneration in cardiotoxin-induced muscle injury. Cell Cycle, 9 (9); pg 1-5.
Drapeau, C., Ma, H., Yang, Z., Tang, L., Hoffman, R., & Schaeffer, D. (2009).The Stem
Cell Mobilizer StemEnhance® Does Not Promote Tumor Growth in an Orthotropic Model of Human Breast Cancer. Anticancer Research (29); pgs: 443-448.