Home > Bovine Colostrum Transfer Factor XF
Bovine Colostrum Transfer Factor XF

Currently there is only one pure transfer factor product extracted only from XF(bovine colostrum) on the market. The transfer factor classic XF extraction process from bovine colostrum is still patent protected under US patent 4,816,563 held by 4Life Research. The product's full name is 4Life Transfer Factor Classic XF.
The patented 4Life Transfer Factor Classic XF increases natural killer cell activity by 204 percent. That makes 4Life Transfer Factor Classic XF more than 7.5 times more effective, or more than 750 percent more effective than generic transfer factors. There is a difference, generic transfer factors do not use the sophisticated patented extraction process so they are not as pure and they contain significant amounts of allergens, which may present a problem for people with milk allergies. Moreover, generic transfer factors from colostrum only increase natural killer cell activity by 26 percent.
4Life Transfer Factor Classic XF safely strengthens the immune system and provides an thrifty advantage. 4Life Transfer Factor Classic is available for $37.95 or 12 bottles for $31.62 each. If you divide that price of $31.62 by the strength of the generic product, which is only 7.5 percent, the generic is only worth $4.22 per 90-count bottle. Buyer beware, you need approximately 7.5 bottles of generic transfer factors to equal one bottle of 4Life Transfer Factor Classic XF.
Within a few years, 4Life Research developed and patented the extraction process for transfer factors from egg yolks. 4Life Transfer Factor Classic XF does not contain transfer factors from egg yolk. 4Life products that contain transfer factors from bovine colostrum and egg yolks are designated by E-XF or Tri-Factor.
Wait, there is even more good news; there is another 4Life Transfer Factor discovery after the cow and the chicken. 4Life Research discovered that there are smaller particles known as NanoFactors that give the immune system the wisdom to know when and how to rest after your immune system wins the battle. 4Life Transfer Factor E-XF products that have NanoFactors added into the formula replace the E-XF designation with Tri-factor.
4Life TF Classic provides a thrifty way to boost and speed-up a broad spectrum of immune system recognitions, responses, and readiness for future exposures.
 | • Educates the immune system featuring Transfer Factor XF... • In an independent study, increased Natural Killer (NK) cell activity 204% above normal response... • Provides safe and effective support... More...ORDER HERERegular price: $42.95 Sale price: $37.95, 12/$379.50 Product Profile Sheet Transfer Factor Classic