Independent NK Cell Study Report
by Calvin W. McCausland, Ph.D. and Emma Oganova M.D., Ph.D.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the extent to which Transfer Factor E-XF blends and 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Advanced Formula increases Natural Killer (NK) cell activity above baseline.
STUDY DESIGN: Blinded cytotoxicity study by Dr.E. Oganova and Dr. C. McCausland. Under the direction of Academician Anatoly Vorobiev, M.D., Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS) and Dr. M.V. Kisielevsky, Dr. E.O.Khalturina, at the Russian Cancer Research Center, RAMS, they conducted independent testing of the coded samples and the experimental work.
METHODS: The experimenters obtained blood from the RORC donor station. The researchers used a standard method of density gradient to isolate mononuclear cells [NK Cells]. The isolated cells, 60 thousand cells per well, in 100 ml of culture medium, were introduced into each well of Costar 96 well plates. Then the researchers introduced portions of coded test samples [Transfer Factor E-XF blends of selected ratios, 4Life Transfer Factor Plus E-XF blend and others samples] into the wells at predetermined concentrations (wt/vol.).
The researchers used an Interleukin-2 (IL-2) standard to compare effectiveness. They incubated the preparations in a COzincubator with a 5% C02 atmosphere, 100% humidity and 37° C for 24 or 48 hours. Next, they introduced 30 thousand K-562 tumor cells (erythroblastic human leukemia) into the wells. (Thus, the ratio of effector and target cells was 2:1. They tested each sample in triplicate). They again incubated the preparations containing both the effector (NK cells) and target cells (K562 cancer cells) along with control wells for 18-24 hours under the same incubator conditions.
The researchers spectro-photometricly used an MTT (dye) solution to determine the number of viable cells remaining in each well. The cytotoxic index (CI) expressed in percentage is reported for each sample.
RESULTS: Each of the samples significantly increased NK cell activity. The Transfer Factor E-XF Blend (Advanced Formula) resulted in greater NK cell activation (283%) than the Transfer Factor XF (204%). 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Advanced Formula increased NK cell activity by 437%. The drug IL-2 increased NK cell active by 389%.
In the study activation by 4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formula, 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Advanced Formula and IL-2 resulted in a kill rate of K562 cancer cells of 69%, 97% and 88% respectively with the 48-hour incubation period giving the greatest NK cell activation.
As previously reported in earlier publications, two 4Life products, 4Life Transfer Factor Classic and 4Life Transfer Factor Plus, demonstrated significantly improved NK cell activation, 103% and 248% respectively. When they combine transfer factors from patented egg technology with bovine transfer factors, there is a synergistic activation of NK cell activity. The improved formulas, 4Life Transfer Factor and 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Advanced Formulas improve NK cell activation by 283% and 437% respectively.
4Life researchers and scientists in developing the Advanced Formulas were confident that the colostrum-derived transfer factors when combined with the egg-derived transfer factors (E-XF blends) would enhance the activity and benefit of the products, but they did not expect the magnitude of the increase. They concluded that researchers should continue studies for a better understanding of why this synergism occurs. We are confident these results will translate into increased benefits to consumers and increased clinical effect in future studies.
Dr. Anatoli Vorobiev directed and his colleagues of the Russian Academy of Medical Science conducted this study. Using established methods of cytotoxicity testing; they combined NK cells from humans with cancer cells and divided them into groups of transfer factors activated NK cells and groups of inactivated NK cells. The objective was to find the bovine and egg transfer factor blend(s) (E-XF blends) that express the greatest NK cell activation. The results enable us to identify the most potent combination that will provide the greatest health benefits.
In the control series of the experiments for all of the transfer factor samples tested, there was no direct cytotoxic effect on tumor cells at any of the concentrations tested. When in the absence of the immune NK cells, they add the transfer factors directly with the cancer cells there is no cytotoxic effect on the tumor cells.
Results of this study clearly demonstrated that 4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formula and 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Advanced Formula boost NK cell activity. The independent research scientists who conducted this study found the results interesting and so exceptional as to request further information on the identity of 4Life samples so they could publish the results in professional journals. Statements from researchers included the following:
"The 4Life sample activated NK cell activity more than the Interleukin-2 (IL-2) drug used as the standard. Here, we now refer to your sample as the Golden Interleukin," stated Dr. Kisielevsky, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
They strongly believe that transfer factors will certainly improve natural killer cell responses and in turn improve human health. It is our hope that people everywhere will find that 4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formula and 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Advanced Formula will provide safe broad-spectrum immune support that is unmatched in any other health supplement today.
Cancer Cells Activation Kill Rate
Test done by
Russian Academy Of Medical Science

Transfer Factor Plus® kills cancer cell up to 97%, that is more than the Interleukin-2 (IL2) drug used as the standard that only reach 88%. In addition, Transfer Factor Plus® has zero side effects as compared to Interleukin-2.
Dr. Kisielevsky of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences stated, "The 4Life sample (Transfer Factor Plus®) activated NK (natural killer) cell activity more than the Interleukin-2 (IL2) drug we used as the standard.
The researchers strongly believe that these results are certain to be reflected in improved human health resulting from significantly improved natural killer cell responses."