
Health Nutrition Supplements And Drugs

Until recently, doctors avoided nutrition supplementation. They feared that with little research, there might be unknown adverse affects when combined with drug treatments. What we are finding when we do overviews of research where they used nutrition supplements in conjunction with the treatments, is that there are more benefits than adverse effects.

Many diseases stem from imbalances in nutrition. This is well established in third world countries but the United States is a nation of no food shortages yet still malnourished. This is largely due to the abundance of cheap foods that are high in calories but low in nutrients due to the removal and destruction of phyto-nutrients through processing, and food additives such as preservatives, toxins, pesticides, herbicides, sugars, and fats. This combination is deadly and overloading our workforce, insurance companies, and economy with sick chronically unproductive people. Doctors well know that intelligent people with balanced nutrient dense diets are productive and able to handle normal daily stress factors without developing disease.

We are fast becoming aware of the limitations of antibiotic use. One of the newest discoveries is that antibiotics are leaving us with thousands of antibiotic resistant bacteria. This may be largely due to overuse and improper use of antibiotics. A number of studies indicate that doctors prescribe more than 40 percent of antibiotics for viral infections in which they have no benefit and delay proper treatment of a virus. Antibiotics lead to chronic allergies and destroy good bacteria, which plays an important role in proper digestion and the immune system’s ability to fight foreign invaders. They frequently lead to secondary infections of the digestive tract. Antibiotics when used in high doses damage internal organs such as the kidneys and pancreas, which causes diabetes and creates a need for dialysis. Antibiotics are not very effective for brain infections such as meningitis as they are relatively large molecules that are not readily allowed past the blood brain barrier.

Without negating the benefits, vaccines present a different set of limitations. They are good for very few threats. Usually for the ones that doctors think will spread during cold and flew season. In children who have naive immune systems, doctors may give vaccines that contain mercury and other ingredients, such as an adjuvant, too close together, which metastasize into the brain causing damage correlated to autism. Vaccines take a long time to make so they are not usually available in sufficient quantities for a pandemic. Vaccines are only as good as your immune system. Sometimes vaccines trigger chronic inflammation in weak immune systems and allergic reactions in overactive immune systems. Resent studies indicate that vaccines may promote biological modifications that are passed on for generations.

What we are seeing develop from research studies where health nutrition supplements are being used to support structures and functions while drugs are being used to treat a disease is that recovery from morbidity (disease) is more frequent, faster, and longer lasting. We also see delays in mortality (death). What we see with the use of drugs alone is sustained morbidity and delayed mortality. That leads to the proposal that nutrition supplements and other proactive life style factors especially taking personal responsibility, self health education, and making functional lifestyle changes take the primary role in supporting optimal health and drugs and surgery should be used as a last resort.

The most effective results from the nutrients used in these studies were obtained from immune system modulators, probiotics, digestive enzymes, and fiber. All of these health nutrition supplements are nutrients used by the body to establish optimal health. When they were not present there were higher instances of morbidity.


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