
Women as Torchbearers

Women as Torchbearers
Item# 0929874803

Product Review

This booklet is the most inspiring information given for the upliftment of women, both in their own self-image and in the eyes of humanity.

When women live their life according to their God-given roles, they are manifesting the Divine Principles of the Mother of the World. Conscious women are needed now more than before. In every family and in every aspect of life, women play the pivotal role.

Included are crucial information with which to understand the differences between men and women. These differences empower women rather than detract from them. Women are not made to be like men or to compete with men. Women are different and rightly so. Women should understand, appreciate, and cultivate that difference and see how feminine qualities enhance all of life.

Included in this booklet are the unique ways women improve life, and the 14 unique responsibilities of women, including the power of developing compassion...

Pages: 43

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