Heroic Immune System
Talk about strong… no matter what your immune system
needs, Tri-Factor™ Formula delivers. That’s an
immune system with some impressive muscles!
Studies have proven that when your body needs it,
Tri-Factor Formula provides great boosting ability. It
dramatically increases Natural Killer cell activity by
437 percent—those immune cells on the front
lines—and helps you continue enjoying optimal health.
Studies have also shown that Tri-Factor Formula, with
the intuition of NanoFactor™, provides great balancing
support. When your immune system responds to false
signals and becomes overactive, Tri-Factor Formula can
help the immune system calm down. And it does it
significantly better than our competitors’ products.

Patent #6,468,534
Our second patent secured rights to the extraction process from chicken egg yolks. This patent enabled 4Life to generate targeted Transfer Factor. Targeted Transfer Factor® has highly developed immune abilities designed to focus on the needs of specific body systems. This patent led to an entire line of 4Life Targeted Transfer Factor products that enhance the development of immune functions to meet the specific needs of the cardiovascular system, digestive system, endocrine system and others.
Patent #6,866,868
All those sixes and eights boil down to two things: Eggs and cows! This patent, obtained in 2005, protects the unique manufacturing process 4Life uses to prepare synergistic combinations of transfer factors derived from cow colostrum and chicken egg yolks. This new patent specifically applies to all 4Life products that contain the Transfer Factor E-XF™ blend. This blend was proven in studies to increase immune system activity by 238 percent in 4Life Transfer Factor® and 437 percent in 4Life Transfer Factor Plus.